Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Week of September 9-13

Monday 9/9
1. History like an Onion reading. Read and take notes. Be ready to discuss in class tomorrow.
2. Begin working on theme assignment due Friday 9/13.

Tuesday 9/10
1. Football DBQ: Group docs, find two POVs, and missing voice, Create a thesis. YOU ARE NOT WRITING THE ESSAY.
2. Continue working on theme assignment due Friday 9/13.

 Wednesday 9/11
1. Olympics DBQ: Group docs, find two POVs, and missing voice, Create a thesis. YOU ARE NOT WRITING THE ESSAY.
2. Continue working on theme assignment due Friday 9/13.

Thursday 9/12
1. Theme assignment due TOMORROW!

Friday 9/13
1. Quiz on regions of the world on Monday. Study your map.
2. Worst Mistake article.  Write down at least 5 of Diamond's arguements. Due Tuesday 9/17.